Friday, November 20, 2020

Denial is NOT a River in Egypt. Wake Up Mr. Trump!

U.S. President Trump is still claiming he won the 2020 election and is insisting to fight the results in court, with president-elect Joe Biden calling it “an embarrassment” to his presidency, saying the transition of power is “well underway.”

While most world leaders, including Trump’s allies like U.K.'s Boris Johnson and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, seem to have moved on and have congratulated president-elect Joe Biden, Trump's behaviour seems unprecedented. One of the reasons that could explain Trump’s refusal to concede includes money, as his campaign has been bombarding supporters with email soliciting money for his court battle. Jackson Proskow has more.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

CHAZ/CHOP Livestream Update: Daytime in Seattle

CHAZ/CHOP at NIGHT: Police-Free Zone in Seattle

So, I've done a couple of these CHAZ or CHOP videos during the day. On each of those, I've seen some up-voted comments requesting a night walk-through, here it is. #CHAZ #CHOP